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Post Budget discussion on Kerala’s budget 2023-24

SDG conducted Post Budget discussion on Kerala’s budget 2023-24 on 4th February 2022 at YMCA Thiruvananthapuram. The event was attended by a diverse group of policy enthusiasts, students, and civil society representatives, who were able to engage in a dynamic and insightful discussion about the budget.

The discussion was facilitated by a panel of renowned experts, including Dr Ravi Raman, CP John, Dr Jose Sebastian, and Dr Sajitha. These speakers provided valuable perspectives and analysis on the budget, shedding light on its impact on various sectors and communities.

We are grateful for the participation and contributions of all attendees, and this event has helped deepen our collective understanding of the budget and its implications.

We look forward to continuing this critical conversation in the future and invite all those who are interested in joining us at our future events.

Read our Pre-Budget Report