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Public Policy Dialogue Series 1

ISDG is conducting a Public Policy Dialogue Series on the topic “Gig Economy and the Future of Work”.

Vineet John Samuel (Research Scholar, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin & German Chancellor’s Fellow 2020) will be speaking on this topic.

The public policy dialogue will be held at 4.00 pm on Saturday, 25 June 2022 at the Press Conference Hall, First Floor, Press Club Thiruvananthapuram.

About the topic:

The rapid proliferation of information and communication technologies such as the internet and the smartphone has facilitated the digital transformation of economies across the globe. Even the very definition of work has begun to change. Several on-demand platforms based on digital technology have created a number of entirely new jobs and employment forms characterised by higher levels of accessibility, convenience and price competitiveness. These changes have led to the creation of a new labour force characterised by independent and contractual labour. As increasing connectivity, robotics, and cognitive tools change the nature of work, we need to look ahead and reimagine why, where, and how work gets done and understand the endless possibilities and challenges for human potential.