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Our LocationTrivandrum

 2 Month Summer School Internship Meeting

 2 Month Summer School Internship Meeting

 2 Month Summer School Internship Meeting

 Invitation to Environmental Short Film Festival

 Summer Internship Report

 2 Month Summer School Internship Announcement

 Central and State Budget 2024-2025

 First Consultation on Sustainable Waste Management in Kerala - 14 April 2023

 First Consultation on Sustainable Waste Management in Kerala - 14 April 2023

 First Consultation on Sustainable Waste Management in Kerala - 14 April 2023

 First Consultation on Sustainable Waste Management in Kerala - 14 April 2023

 First Consultation on Sustainable Waste Management in Kerala - 14 April 2023

 Open Space Discussion at ISDG office

 Kerala Budget 2023-2024: Post Budget Discussion — 4 February 2023

 Kerala Budget 2023-2024: Post Budget Discussion — 4 February 2023

 Kerala Budget 2023-2024: Post Budget Discussion — 4 February 2023

 Gig Economy and the Future of Work — 25 June 2022

 Gig Economy and the Future of Work — 25 June 2022

 Open Space Discussion at ISDG office

Welcome to ISDG

ISDG- Institute for Sustainable Development and Governance (ISDG) is a research and advocacy organisation involved in public policy research and documentation, capacity development, knowledge networking and advocacy, particularly in budget transparency and accountability, public services, rural as well as urban governance. ISDG also seeks to promote dialogue among policymakers, media and civil society organisations and citizens groups. ISDG focuses on the rights of marginalised and excluded communities, particularly Dalits, Adivasis, and workers in the informal sector. Institute for Sustainable Development and Governance (ISDG), which became operational in the year 2012, is the governance and development programme of the Centre for Communication and Development Studies (CCDS), Pune.

ISDG News And Upcoming Events

Institute for Sustainable Development and Governance

SDG News And Views

Institute for Sustainable Development and Governance